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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Expert Committee on Ergonomics established under Sri Lanka Medical Association

Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA), being the premier professional organization representing the medical community, took the initial step in promoting ergonomics in Sri Lanka by establishing an  Expert Committee on Ergonomics with the objective of promoting ergonomics to medical community, general public and in healthcare settings.

Ergonomics is an evolving specialty all over the world. It is the scientific study of the people and their work. Ergonomics helps in improving human performance and finds solutions to health and safety problems. With the advancement of technology and growing evidence, ergonomics has penetrated dramatically in to the healthcare field eg. Doctor-patient interfaces, healthcare equipments, service delivery environments, occupational safety and health (OSH), child ergonomics, school health etc.
Ample evidence is available on gross deficiencies in ergonomics in many settings both at local and global levels. Mismatched ergonomics result in multitude of negative health consequences and may have implications on economic development of a country. Feasible solutions are available to mitigate such negative effects. Preventive strategies have been initiated in many developed countries both at micro and macro levels. There are several fragmented approaches launched in Sri Lanka focused on ergonomics eg. OSH, ergonomics for children, healthy schoolbag campaign and healthcare facility ergonomics.
A health-led concerted effort is essential considering the significance and applicability of ergonomics to healthcare professionals in Sri Lankan contexts.

Activities of SLMA Expert Committee on Ergonomics will include;

1. To function as the umbrella body in promoting ergonomics

2. To map and collate evidence in ergonomics and health consequences

3. To synthesize and disseminate new knowledge on ergonomics

4. To advocate healthcare and other stakeholders in relevant sectors on issues related to ergonomics

5. To interface with national and provincial health professionals and other stakeholders (eg. other government bodies, INGOs) as appropriate to generate funds and to facilitate the implementation and adoption of ergonomic initiatives

6. To initiate and sustain activities both at national and sub-national level to expand ergonomics in health and relevant fields


Sri Lanka is seen as a model developing country. In a context of rapid technology transfer, promotion of ergonomics both at macro and micro levels will undoubtedly contribute to economic and human development of a nation. The SLMA, being the apex medical organization in the country, will be a partner in promoting ergonomics.

Doctors from different fields; public health, bio-informatics, psychology, occupational health, injury prevention, lecturers, administrators, private health sector, media etc, participated at the initial meeting. Several working groups were introduced to formulate a roadmap for the activities of expert committee.
Dr. Kapila Jayaratne, Consultant Community Physician, coordinates the Expert Committee as the chairperson. The convener to the committee is Dr. Chamaine de Silva, a bio-informatics specialist. Professor Vajira Dissanayake, President - SLMA, provides the guidance.
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