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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Regional Programme Managers’ Meeting
on Prevention and Control of Birth Defects
20 - 22 March 2012, Bangkok, Thailand

Birth defects cause a significant social and economic burden
Birth defects diminish productivity and quality of life and cause a significant social and economic burden on individuals, families, communities and society.  Birth can cause lifelong impairment and may need costly medical or surgical treatment that may not be available or affordable, and ultimately require long-term care from families, communities and health systems. 
Regional Programme Managers meeting has been planned to review the current situation, advocate for national strategies for prevention of birth defects, disseminate global experiences and deliberate on strategic approaches that Member States would like to follow in the Region.
Specific Objectives:
a.             Discuss the draft Regional Situation Analysis on birth defects.
b.            Share the global situation and the global experience on prevention of birth defects.
c.             Identify opportunities for implementing interventions for prevention of birth defects.
d.            Obtain inputs from the countries on the draft Regional strategy on prevention and control of birth defects.
e.             Explore possibilities of regional and national networks of institutions on Birth Defects

Presentation of Sri Lanka Country Action Points:

Dr. Kapila Jayaratne
- National Programme Manager - Maternal & Child Morbidity & Mortality Surveillance

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