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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Regional Meeting on Implementation of Maternal Death Review to strengthen Maternal Death Surveillance and Response

Regional Meeting on Implementation of Maternal Death Review to strengthen Maternal Death Surveillance and Response
-Bangkok, Thailand 27-28 October 2012
This meeting was conducted to to facilitate country level actions for improving Maternal Death Review, Surveillance and Response with the objectives of;

  1. To discuss current status of country MDR/MDSR processes and methodologies
  2. To share, disseminate and deliberate the findings of the MDR studies in five SEAR countries, comparing and discussing their approaches and build on country experiences to plan for the way forward
  3. To update on tools on MDSR (including information technologies, both at community and facility level)  and familiarize with implementation guidelines on MDSR
  4. To identify the next steps for countries, and to align these steps to the road map prepared on the translation of the COIA recommendations to actions
Sri Lanka was represented by Dr. Deepthi Perera (Director - Maternal & Child Health), Dr. Kapila Jayaratne (National Programme Manager - Maternal & Child Morbidity & Mortality Surveillance), Dr. Noirosha Lansakara (National Programme Manager - Planning & Evaluation) and Dr. Anoma Jayathilaka (WHO - NPO).
Sri Lanka's system was quoted as:
"Very advanced across different levels of system with central focal point monitoring

the actions".

"Nearly 100% maternal deaths reported timely and reviewed."

"Systematic annual reviews. All maternal deaths in an year are analysed at national

level, district disparities identified and outcomes shared with different stakeholders

and corrections actions discussed at high level meeting"

Dr. Kapila Jayaratne presented the Maternal Death Surveillance System in Sri Lanka;

A country action plan was presented to further streamline MDSR in Sri Lanka.

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